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DDAP Recovery House 12 10 2019 Update

Efforts to Date:

In the last update, the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) noted that it was reviewing public comments it received on draft regulations. That comment period ended in June 2019. DDAP received a total of 62 letters outlining recommended edits and additions to the regulations. These letters came from a range of stakeholders including recovery house owners, local health and human service agencies, treatment providers, provider associations, state and local representatives, local governments and others.

Since the end of public comment, DDAP has worked to integrate these perspectives into its draft regulations. Again, we are grateful for your interest and thoughtful feedback. Your feedback has helped us improve upon that initial draft.

Upcoming Work:

DDAP is finalizing its regulations and preparing to submit a regulatory package to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC). This package will include background and explanation, a detailed analysis of costs and benefits, as well as new regulatory language. Stakeholders will have another opportunity to provide their thoughts and comments on the updated language directly to IRRC during its regulatory review. IRRC will receive public comments.

In addition, DDAP previously stated that it would start licensing recovery houses between January and June of 2020. Please note, given the updates to the regulations based on stakeholder comments, DDAP will not start the licensure process in January, but will begin licensing prior to June of 2020.

Additional information on Recovery House Licensing can be found at:

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